The Best Materials for Home Composting

Home composting is a fantastic way of reducing waste in a sustainable manner while also being incredibly cost-effective. In order to effectively and successfully compost at home, the best products and materials need to be utilised in order for that to happen. This includes both the matter that is being decomposed as well as the kind of bin that the decomposing process will take place in. 

Compost helps to enrich the soil of your garden bed and when done correctly, your garden will thank you. Let’s take a deeper look into the world of compost and what materials are best for home composting.


The two types of composting

Hot composting is when the compostable materials  "fast-cook" with nitrogen, carbon, air, and water to create compost in only a few months. This type of composting is faster due to the number of gases being used and released. 

Cold composting, on the other hand, simply requires collecting materials in a bin and letting them naturally decompose over the course of a year or however long it takes. 

It’s important to be aware of what you are composting and the type of composting that you’re looking into doing because this will also determine the materials you’ll need for at-home composting. 

Good materials 

Good materials are the key factor to creating good compost. Some materials such as grass clippings, finely chopped wood, coffee grounds, fruit and vegetable scraps, and shredded paper all make for great compost. Bad materials can cause harm to your compost pile and that will spill over into the quality of your garden. Some items that you should avoid composting are weeds that go to seed, diseased plant parts, treated wood, animal feces, and anything that contains grease, fat, meat, or dairy. 

Plastic Compost Bins

Reusable Plastic Compost Bins are the best option when it comes down to effectively composting all your raw materials. There is a wide range available on the market today. Reusable Plastic Compost Bins help to keep the heat and gases stored correctly to ensure that the composting process can happen as effectively as possible. 

These Plastic Compost Bins open at the top and bottom. They are normally supplied with a separate lid that can be attached when necessary.

These bins are light in weight and are easily lifted and moved to wherever you’d like the composting to be done. A useful tip to keep in mind when using multiple bins is to label them accordingly so that it becomes easier to identify what the different bins are composting.

Composting in plastic is safe and recommendable. The chances of harmful toxins and chemicals making their way into the compost are extremely rare, barring extreme weather conditions or the use of harmful varieties of plastic.


Making your own compost is a fantastic way of recycling leftover organic waste. By utilising Mpact Plastic Containers Composter, you’ll be able to reap the rewards of making your own compost. The nutrient-rich blend of decomposed organic matter works incredibly well for enriching the soil of your garden. Making your own compost is something anyone can do, whether you're a gardening beginner or a seasoned pro. It's a great way to recycle yard waste, like grass clippings and dry leaves, as well as vegetable peelings and other kitchen scraps. The nutrient-rich blend of decomposed organic materials works wonders for plants, either when spread around them, or mixed into the soil. But to get started, you'll need a compost bin.