Choosing the Right Pallets for Your Business Part 2: What Kind of Plastic Pallet Should You Use?

When trying to choose a pallet solution that is suitable for your business, the first step is choosing the type of material of the pallet. Our previous blog post can help you make a decision between wooden pallets and plastic pallets, the two main materials that pallets are made of. 

A few of the main advantages of plastic pallets are:

  • Durability - they last much longer than traditional wooden pallets
  • Recyclable - they can be made from recycled materials and can be reused
  • Hygienic - they are easier to clean and maintain than wooden pallets
  • Weight - they weigh less than wooden pallets, making them easier to transport
  • Weather-resistant - They can  withstand extreme weather conditions
  • Insect-resistant - they do not harbor bugs or require fumigation 


Different Types of Plastic Pallets

If however, you have decided to opt for plastic, the next step is to decide what type of plastic pallet to use. There are many different options to choose from, and trying to sift through all of them can be overwhelming and time-consuming. 

We have selected two of the main types of plastic pallets that can be used. 

Stackable Plastic Pallets


Stacking pallets stack on top of each other and can be stacked while loaded with products. This type of pallet allows you to use vertical space, allowing you to store more in the same room or warehouse. 

They are designed to withstand heavy loads. Stacking pallets are ideal for businesses that require sturdy and evenly stacked storage. Unlike wooden pallets, plastic stacking pallets are more reliable in terms of their size and shape and can be stacked safely without worrying about products tumbling because of uneven pallets. 

They are easy to clean, which makes them ideal for handling products that need to be kept in hygienic conditions.  

Nestable Plastic Pallets


Nestable Pallets are another ideal solution that can be stacked. 

They differ from stackable pallets because they have feet that allow you to tightly fit pallets inside one another when not in use, as opposed to simply being stacked on top of each other. 

Because of the tight fit offered by these types of plastic pallets, storage space is utilised efficiently, clearing up cluttered and overcrowded warehouse floors and reducing the need to spend money to increase storage capacity. 

Freight costs can also be reduced, as more pallets can be stacked for transportation compared to wooden pallets or stackable plastic pallets. Their solid yet lightweight platforms are fully nestable and can be moved with a forklift. 


How Much Weight Can a Plastic Pallet Hold? 

Another important factor to consider when choosing a pallet is its load capacity, both on the floor and on the move. To safely store or transport products using pallets, it is crucial to adhere to pallet weight limits. 

The maximum weight that a pallet can hold will vary depending on the material, size, and type of pallet. 

Dynamic Load vs Static Load

A pallet’s load capacity will vary further based on what the pallet is being used for. Will the pallet be used for storing products in a warehouse, or will it be utilised to transport products? 

A dynamic load refers to the amount of weight a plastic pallet can hold while moving. 

A static load refers to the weight capacity of a plastic pallet that is at rest or being used for storage. 

Industries That Use Plastic Pallets

Food & Pharmaceutical Industry

Hygiene Plastic pallets are best suited for the food and pharmaceutical industry as these pallets comply with hygiene standards, are easy to clean, do not absorb water, and do not have the risk of potentially contaminating the products they are carrying like wooden pallets. Pallets with a solid deck work well in these industries.

Chemical Industry

Plastic pallets are anti-static which means that they do not accumulate static charge, they also don’t have any loose parts or nails which guarantees the safety of the products they are carrying. This makes them an ideal option for the chemical industry.

Retail industry

Non-slip plastic pallets are used in retail outlets to transport products or used as a shop front display. Retailers rely on plastic pallets to make their stores aesthetically pleasing as well as reducing the risk of damage to products.

Export industry

Racking pallets are a cost-effective option for exporting goods because they are durable for heavy-duty loads, hygienic, and don’t require any fumigation. This guarantees you that the products being exported will reach their final destination without being delayed at customs. The greatest advantage of using plastic pallets to export goods is a significant cost-saving. Plastic pallets conform to ISPM15 standards which is a rule that must be adhered to when exporting stock.

Plastic Pallets From Mpact Plastic Containers 

Choosing the most suitable solution for your business will vary depending on your needs. 

Nestable pallets are a space-saving option that can be nested into one another when empty, whereas stackable pallets can be stored and stacked on top of one another while loaded.

Mpact Plastic Containers is one of the leading plastic pallet manufacturers in South Africa. You can shop Mpact’s Plastic Pallet Range on the website, or contact us if you have any questions or require assistance.  

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