We spend a lot of time talking to our Clients and thinking about the products we design and manufacture. Being innovative is not something we do, it is who we are. Sometimes, to come up with a new innovation, you just need to think outside the box and ask the right questions.When we looked at how we can improve upon our extensive range of nesting containers we simply did a little math.We considered; what can we multiply, add, divide or subtract to change this product?
Solutions to Bank on.
The waste hierarchy outlines 5 specific measures that can be taken to both minimise and dispose of waste. These five steps in the hierarchy are: reduce, re-use, recycle & compost, create energy and dispose. Ideally, every effort should first be made to, as far as possible, fulfil a step before resorting to the next step.
First prize is to reduce waste as much as we can by for instance using your own bags rather than buy new ones at the supermarket. With a little ingenuity it is possible to come up with creative ways of re-using packaging for example, thereby minimising the amount of waste that is distributed into the waste stream.
A further possibility, though this is not really done in South Africa, is to use waste to create energy through the heat generated by incineration which can then power water boilers producing steam which in turn drives generators that can produce electricity.
It is only failing all these options that waste should be dispatched off to landfill sites. In order to implement source reduction and reuse programmes, in line with this waste management hierarchy, at business premises, schools and other public facilities a simple implementation strategy can be followed.
Of importance will be to understand what the sources of preventable waste are through a waste audit which should also provide insight into the types and amounts of waste being generated on the site.
Armed with this information, a collection infrastructure should be created which provides a simple and practical process for waste management on-site. Running in conjunction with the formation of a collection infrastructure process should be a training and communication programme aimed at both informing and instructing people on proper waste management and disposal.
One way in which to ensure that waste is properly separated on-site is through the use of large format waste stream containers.
Mpact’s Collection Bins are designed for selective waste streaming and recycling. These bins can store more than 1 200kg’s and their pyramid shape ensure exceptional strength and stability.
Hygienic and secure, allowing for easy access and use, these environmentally friendly bins offer a practical cost-effective solution to waste management. Providing an essential tool to municipalities as well as social and commercial partners for implementing sustained recycling solutions.
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